Saturday, September 30, 2017

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

                                   "Life is not about the destination, it's about the journey"

Ever wonder about what you want to do in your future? You can be and do anything you set your mind to! There are so many opportunities in the world to choose from when it comes to thinking about how you want to spend your future. A cop, teacher, doctor or lawyer are just a few examples of career paths you can choose from. Ever since I was younger I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I had some wonderful teachers who helped me learn and succeed through school, which made me want to be a role model for other students. It is an amazing feeling you get when a light bulb goes off in a students brain when they understand the lesson being taught or just showing that they appreciate you. Don't wish to grow up too fast. And don't feel discouraged if you choose one career path and it does not work out. You have your whole life ahead of you and everything will work out.

Wonder- to think about something with curiosity
Future-the period of time that will come after the present time
Set- to decide on or choose something
Opportunities- a situation in which something can be done
Career- a job or profession someone does for a long time
Succeed- to achieve or correct the desired result
"Role Model"- someone you look up to
Feeling- an awareness by your body of something in it or on it
"Light bulb goes off"- when someone suddenly realizes something
Appreciate- to admire and value
Discouraged- to make someone less determined

Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word

1. I felt ____________ when my friend said, "You can't do that." (discouraged, wonder)
2. In my ___________ I want to be a doctor. (appreciate, future)
3. Mary had so many _______________, she was unable to decide which job to choose.                      (opportunities, set)
4. My sister is my ______________. (role model, succeed)
5. Alex put his __________ before everything else. (feeling, career)

Grammar Point: Contractions: Don't 
Write 3 sentences using the contraction "don't." For example, I don't like driving in the rain.





  1. Very nice entry with lots of good advice for young people who are trying to find their way! I like your vocabulary words and exercise.
    The grammar point isn't a grammar point but rather a learning point. What grammar points could you find in your entry that you could exploit for instruction here? Did you use the past tense? Did you use the contraction 'DON'T"? Once you determine the grammar point, then you can assign some sentences to be written using that structure or some other exercise.

  2. I enjoyed this blog post! I like how you provided the quote and how you included many vocabulary words that will be useful to students when deciding a career path.
