Monday, September 11, 2017

Spotify Playlists

                                 "Music is the art of thinking with sounds" Jules Combarieu 

Image result for music notes

Listening to music can have an affect on someone's mood. There are all different types of music genres that a person can choose from depending on how they are feeling. The good thing about music is it has a way of making people feel emotion, whether it is happy or sad. Rocking out to your favorite song can help release tension and make you feel better. After having a hard day at work, I blast the radio and sing along to songs I know and it makes me feel better. It is also nice to listen to songs that I can relate to and know that other people in the world are going through what I am going through. Music can be played in the car, while doing work if it does not distract you or when your parents ask you to clean your room. When studying for a test, think of your favorite song and keep the tune in your head. Replace the lyrics of the song with information on the particular subject. By doing this, it will allow you to memorize and learn your material while having fun with it.

Mood- the way someone feels
Genres- a particular type or category of literature or art
Emotion- a strong feeling
"Rocking Out"- to play music in a loud or energetic way
Tension-   a feeling of nervousness that makes you unable to relax
Blast*- with as much loudness or power as possible
Relate- to show or make a connection between two or more things
Distract- to cause someone to stop thinking about or paying attention to someone or something
Tune-a series of musical notes that produce a pleasing sound when played or sung
Lyrics-  the words of a song
Memorize-  to learn something so well that you are able to remember it perfectly

Match the word to it's correct definition 

1. Memorize  ______                             a. the way someone feels 

2. Tune   _______                                   b. a strong feeling 

3. Relate  _______                                 c. a feeling of nervousness that makes you unable                                                                      to relax 

4. Distract _______                                d. to show or make a connection between two or                                                                        more things 

5. "Rocking out"  ______                       e. a series of musical notes that produce a pleasing                                                                    sound when played or sung   

6. Blast  ________                                  f. to learn something so well that you are able to                                                                        remember it perfectly   

7. Tension  ______                                 g. a particular type or category of literature or art

8. Lyrics  _______                                  h. to play music in a loud or energetic way 

9. Mood ________                                 i. with as much loudness or power as possible 

 10. Genres _______                              j. to cause someone to stop thinking about or paying                                                                attention to someone or something 

11. Emotion _______                             k. the words of a song 

Grammar Point: Commands

List 3 different commands:

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post on listening to music! Music can also be used to enhance the learning environment.
