Dear Alien,

Let me tell you about Earth. Earth is the third planet from the Sun. As the Earth orbits around the Sun it turns on its axis, rotating around in 24 hours. It takes 365 days for one complete orbit. The Earth orbiting around the Sun causes us to have seasons. It is the only planet in the Solar System that has life as far as we know. Many people live on Earth. This is possible due to the Earth's atmosphere. Earth is home to humans, plants, and animals. Humans are lucky to be living on Earth. Earth is a wonderful place to be with lots of opportunities. There are many places to go and things to see. For example, there are many different states, stores, schools and zoos. You should come visit soon!
Miss K
Some facts from:
Earth- Planet on which we live
Planet- a large, round object in space that travels around a star
Orbits- one complete movement along its path
Axis- the imaginary straight line that something (such as the Earth) turns around
Rotating- to move or turn in a circle
Complete- to finish making or doing
Seasons- one of the four periods (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) into which the year is commonly divided
Solar System- our sun and the planets that move around it
Atmosphere- the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet
Opportunities- an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done
Exercise Fill in the Blank
1. How many days does it take for one complete orbit around the Sun? ___________
2. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall are called _________________.
3. Earth is the _____________ planet from the Sun.
4. The imaginary straight line that something turns around is called __________.
5. Earth's _____________ allows there to be life.
Grammar Point Letter Heading
There are three things you need to have when writing a letter: A greeting, body, and closing with your signature.
Now it's your turn! Write a letter to an alien telling them anything you want about Earth. Remember to have all three parts of a letter!
This is such a fun idea for a blog post. The topic is fun for students and you incorporated exposure to an important skill, letter writing. You listed the important aspects of a letter while also providing a model for students to refer to.